My original pieces are favored in abstract or industrial functional sculptures.
I believe art should be creative functional sculptures as a piece to be used while being admired.
I believe sculptures and tables are more emotionally pleasing when the two interact with one another. Thus, my term, functional sculptures.
However, my favored styles are not for everyone, which allows me to become creative outside the box meeting all others’ creative aspirational needs. in addition to meeting everyone’s budget. Artistic quality should not be just for the wealthy.
I offer the utmost of quality and customer service.
Like the artist, my designs and pieces are original and produced with the utmost of quality. But, unlike the artist, they are pleasing to look at.
My lines are titled, laur-in-line, derived from someone very important to me in my past named Lauren, who just so happened to convince me to come out of retirement and find the peaceful pleasures being creative affords me.